Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mario's Tenth Birthday...Ten Cakes!

My little boy turned 10 three days after Christmas! We had a great celebration in Texas while we were visiting my sister and her family. When we returned we had his first birthday party EVER with friends. We went to the bowling alley...it was so amazing...they turned off all the lights and lite up the disco ball! We play loud music and the kids danced and did "the worm" and encouraged each other to bowl like they've never bowled before! Ha! They all signed a bowling pin that Mario was given as a keepsake. Then we came home to celebrate with a pinata and presents and lots of cake. You see Mario had never had a party or cake before he came to live with us. When I first found this out last February I told him I would get him 10 cakes. We've talked about it several times since but it wasn't until I actually stood in front of the 10 cake display that I got very emotional. All the time I missed with my little boy. All the special family moments that we take for granted, all the love that every child deserves...my little guy went without. I just pray that every person that has ever contemplated adoption for one millisecond would stop right now and do it....JUST DO IT!!! It'll change your life and a life of a child forever in the most amazing way. Thank you God again for sending me my little boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!