Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Big Count Down!!!!

Well....we've all been pretty emotional around here. Tyler is moving out in 2 days! Mario has given her numerous hugs while asking, "Do you have to move out?" Raegan just looks at you with sad puppy dog eyes when we even talk about it! Sydney left for a vacation to the Ozarks with a friend today for a week and that is probably the best thing for her because she wouldn't handle watching Ty leave...she's already been crying for months now!!!! My children are very close even though they don't always act it!!!! Madison put her thoughts into words by writing a book for Tyler! I hope she doesn't get mad that I just published it for her!!!! It was too priceless not to share!!!! (Illustrations are to follow at a later date! Hee Hee!)


Angel said...

Awwwwwww.... that is SOOOOO sweet. I think I might cry. Sweet babies. I can't imagine the tears that will flow when Zoe moves out to college. See I can't even think about it now or I will cry. It's too hard. Hugs, Angel

Amy said...

Maddie! You are such a pumpkin girl! I loved your story.

I remember when my big sister moved out (your mama) and it was so hard. :0( But you know what- we are still best friends today! Nothing, not even thousands of miles can makes us any less close. I hate knowing that Tyler is growing up, but I know God has BIG plans for that girl and I for one feel privileged to watch His plans unfold! Love you guys!!! Amy

Maddie said...

wow that was sooooooo long ago!